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Tampa Bay is growing faster than many U.S. cities – vacationers are enjoying America’s best beaches, entrepreneurs of all kinds are trekking to the area to join locals in finding their niches to highlight the bay area’s unique local culture, and folks are deciding to relocate and stay. Whatever is bringing you here, we want to offer you through our own unique art and collections, the best of Tampa Bay to explore.


About the Artist and Curator

Fatin runs the website and our shops. She was born and raised in St. Petersburg and grew up in Palm Harbor. She enjoys painting and drawing as well as expressing her love for Tampa Bay in different mediums and ideas you’ll find in her shop — either created or curated directly by her.

In 2010 she moved away with her husband for almost a decade, and lived in the Washington DC metro area as well as Austin, where she perused her marketing career until she had children — and by a miracle or coincidence (however you want to look at it), they found themselves back in Tampa Bay in 2018.

While visiting during spring break with their children, they randomly happened across a home for sale and put and offer on it a couple days later. They weren’t in the market for a home nor planning a move, but after praying about it, the home appeared. They saw it as a sign and closed on the home, and made the move two months later. Every day back in Tampa Bay since then has been a gift!